Jessica Grace | Throwback Thursday

Posted on: 13 August, 2020 by Gemma Sugrue

Can you recall when you first became interested in singing and performing? 

I know I was really young! My Dad has always been into music and always had musician friends around the house playing and writing music. It was something I was very used to!

I was a really confident child and wanted to perform my own dances to Destiny’s Child songs while singing along and performing for anyone that came to the house!

What did that lead to? 

Thankfully, as I got older and found it was something I actually had a lot of fun doing. I knew I wanted to go to lessons and get better at singing.

I heard about the Voiceworks Summer Camps through a friend and that’s where my interest really grew. Which then led to me doing the BAPM Course in CIT.

You were a student here at Voiceworks Studio for a few years. Have you any special memories of your time with us?

So many! One of my favorites was getting a chance to help at the summer camp a few years ago for the younger age group. It was so much fun and really rewarding!

What’s your proudest moment so far in your singing journey/career?

While I was a very confident child, as a teenager I was so shy and nervous when singing in front of anybody.

Looking back at all the years in Voiceworks and now college I am so proud that I gained back some of my confidence. I am so much more comfortable performing now.

What are your current musical goals?

I would love to front an upbeat 90’s girl RnB/Pop band and potentially record an album!

What advice would you give someone that wants to follow your career path?

Be open-minded. Explore lots of styles of music, you don’t have to be set on one style for your whole career! It’s very beneficial to get used to working with people and in group projects as there can be a lot of that!

What famous musicians do you admire?

Taylor Swift, Amy Winehouse, and Lizzo!

What advice would you give to up and coming artists/singers that want to pursue music as a career?

It’s absolutely great to look to others for motivation and inspiration but never let that turn into comparison.

Comparing yourself to the success of others only ends up hindering your own work and knocks your confidence! It’s so so important to know that everyone works at different paces and will find success or reach their goals at different stages! Keep focusing on your work and goals and it will pay off.

What is your favorite part of being a performer?

The buzz on stage when the band and singers are all gelling together and everyone is so into it. There are no nerves at that point it’s just so much fun, and you know the crowd is feeding off that too!

Where can we find you?

(Insta Facebook) My Insta is @gracey.gram

Jessica Grace | Throwback Thursday - Voiceworks Studio